Bathroom Social Networking – There’s An App For That “Pooductive”

Toilet Phone UsageToday I learned two things.  First, there are WAY too many stock photos of people using the bathroom on Google Images.  Second, my friend Rob is not alone in his strange addiction to having to use his phone while he is otherwise detained in the restroom.  Rob actually sent me the image at right one time while he was using the phone in the restroom.  Apparently what holds true for Rob, holds true for many of us and now there’s an app for that, “Pooductive”.

Today I stumbled across an article on Mental_Floss dicussing this new app, Pooductive, that is currently only available on the Apple App Store.  There is no indication as to whether or not it will make its way to the Google Play Store.

Pooductive is an app that is designed to give you the freedom to talk about poop while pooping.  According to their homepage the definition of Pooductive is “A place of magic and wonder where people from all 7 kingdoms can meet to seek refuge and enjoy their time of zen, peace and quite together, by conversing, philosophising and sharing ideas with each other…whilst sitting on their iron thrones.”

Pooductive admits that their app is unique and will probably get a lot of press from their unique concept but they state that their end goal is to “raise awareness for those 663 million people that don’t have access to clean water.”

Source Links: PooductiveMental_Floss | App Store