Amazon Giving Free Books and Magazines to Prime Members!
|- One of my favorite hobbies is that of reading. I can almost always be found with a book in hand or close by. I rarely leave home without one! With the evolution of the Kindle and more importantly, the Kindle App, I have started migrating a lot of my reading to my tablet and phone. I love the convenience of having access to my reading library anywhere I go. When I get a Kindle edition of a book, my wife loves that I am spending less and that I don’t need to keep buying new bookshelves to house them all. Today Amazon added even more benefits to my Amazon Prime membership by giving me a bunch of free books and magazines!
The new Amazon Prime Reading grants Amazon Prime members “free” access to many popular books and magazines. Included in the books are classics like The Hobbit, The Man In The High Castle, Harry Potter, The Five Love Languages and much more! In the magazine category they have Popular Mechanics, Entertainment Weekly, Sports Illustrated, Cosmopolitan and more!
This offer is available to all Kindle users, whether they be an actual Kindle or the Kindle app. The only requirement to qualify for the service is that you be a current Amazon Prime member.
Amazon Prime gives you free shipping on many items you order from Amazon, access to their Amazon Video and Amazon Music collections and more! Amazon keeps adding more services to Amazon Prime that makes it more and more appealing every day.
If you want to try Amazon Prime you can try it free for 30 days. After that it just $99 a year. I have made back that $99 on shipping alone! With the all the other benefits it is more than worth it!
Amazon Prime 30-Day Trial: Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial
Amazon Kindle App: Amazon Kindle App Download