Wireless Charging for the Pixel XL!!!
|One of the features I have missed the most from my old Palm Pre has been wireless charging. When I got the Pixel XL I was again disappointed. It was an awesome device but it didn’t have wireless charging. Seven years of Android and Google’s flagship device still doesn’t have one of the features I want most… Fortunately, Choetech came to the rescue and I now have wireless charging on my Pixel XL! Pair the Choetech USB-C Wireless Charger Kit with the Tudia Arch (or Tudia Tamm) and you’ve got yourself a good-looking wireless charging setup!
Choetech USB-C Wireless Charger Kit: http://amzn.to/2kePF5s
Tudia Arch for the Pixel XL: http://amzn.to/2keMVVU
Tudia Tamm for the Pixel XL: http://amzn.to/2keYiwV
If you want to save a little extra money use the coupon code “YPX4GR7K” to get the Choetech USB-C Wireless Charger Kit for $14.99!